Sunday, September 3, 2017

Artists curse

Whether being a musician, actor or artist, every creative person surely knows a 'curse' like the artists curse.
We see the works of others, and compare our own with it. While we can't really tell why they might be better than ourselves are, we automatically think of our own works as inferior. Such moments usually give two options: try to do the same the other artist has done, or just give up on it. It's hard to see both as equal, isn't it!?

But even without the work of others, the artists curse creeps up so easily. You can be working on a project or drawing, and really enjoy the process of doing it. But when it is finished, you look at it and it is just...bleh, simply not good enough. Exactly this is the artists curse.

Maybe without it, it is too easy to think of ourselves and our skills as superior, and we start to dream and take things for granted. But with it, it is easy to be discouraged to just stop drawing or making art in general.
Actually though, it is exactly this 'curse', or strive for perfectionism, that can help to keep going and trying to improve, too. It can help to find your mistakes and weak points, and encourage you to work on them, to become better and better.
I guess this is also a point where art simple reflects on live, in an indirect way. Give up or keep trying!

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