Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Building model houses

Back when I was still in school, one of the possible jobs I could try to get into, was model building. At that time I have never made one though! And it turned out to not be the best prospect either.

But seeing diy kits on YouTube and the like, I couldn't help but try such thing too, finally.

That has meant a huge mess with glue, and even now more than a year later that mess has not become smaller. But it became a craft I do enjoy after all. So much, that I wanted to build my own model houses from scratch!

It turned out that making it mainly from wood rent the best idea, and took longer than expected, on top of being strenuous with the sawing and filing. But I'm proud on the results!

So without further ado, here stimmt are some images of the past 1.5 years or so.

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